1000 word reflection on your communication skills for facilitating dietary change.

Coursework 1 is a 1000 word reflection on your communication skills for facilitating dietary change.

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In order to be able to view for yourselves and remember what your communication skills were like, you now have the opportunity to be filmed while you practice your communication in pairs on the 20th of October 2020.
This will be student-led and self-facilitated. You need to get into pairs, then arrange a time on the 20th to video call each other on Teams and record your consultations.
In your pairs, one person will be the nutrition professional and another will be a person in need of nutritional help (person A or B). You will have 10 minutes where one of you is the nutrition professional and the other is either person A or B; and then you will swap round for the next 10 minutes. It is recommended that you use Egan’s Helping Model when you are the nutrition professional, to help structure the consultation.
Ensure you record the consultations on Teams, so you have a film to look back on and watch again as this will help you with your reflection.
This filming should be fun and enjoyable  it is not part of the assessment and so you will not be graded on how you do. But you will be graded on your written reflection of how you do i.e. what went well, what was not so good and what will you do next time to improve?
Example – Sarah and Misbah call each other on Teams and press record. For the first 10minutes, Sarah acts as person A and Misbah acts as the nutrition professional and leads the consultation. After 10minutes Misbah ends the consultation. Then Sarah acts as the nutrition professional and Misbah acts as person B. Sarah leads the consultation for the next 10minutes. When this has finished Sarah and Misbah give each other feedback on how they did as the nutrition professional. Then the recording is stopped and the call is ended. Sarah and Misbah then reflect by themselves on how they felt it went, they watch the recording back to help them and use the reflection sheet to make notes. These notes help them write their coursework.
Structure of the consultations:
Person A
If you have been allocated to be person A pretend you are someone who doesn’t eat many fruit and vegetables. You are a very busy professional and don’t have time to prepare vegetables, you are always rushing around and don’t have time to eat properly so rely on grabbing snacks when you can – you have tried to carry fruit with you but it goes mushy in your bag. You know that it is good to eat more fruit and vegetables so you don’t want to be told this! Begin the conversation by saying something like this: “Hello, as you are a nutrition professional, I wonder if you can help me to increase the amount of fruit and vegetables I eat?”
Nutrition Professional
As the nutrition professional respond appropriately to the question by using Egan’s helping model begin by finding out about Person A and:

  1. listen to Person A’s story
  2. clarify what they want
  3. work with them to set one goal which will help them achieve this.
    Person B
    If you have been allocated to be person B pretend you are a busy single parent of 3 small children and although you do work part-time, most of your time is spent looking after the children and you rely on financial benefits from the government to make ends meet. You struggle to feed your family a healthy diet and feel quite embarrassed by it.
    Begin the conversation by saying something like this:
    “Hello, as you are a nutrition professional, I wonder if you can help me to feed my family well on a budget?”
    Nutrition Professional
    As the nutrition professional respond appropriately to the question by using Egan’s helping model begin by finding out about Person B and:
  4. listen to Person B’s story
  5. clarify what they want
  6. work with them to set one goal which will help them achieve this.
    After your slot:
    Discuss in your pairs what it felt like as person A or B being seen by the nutrition professional. Did you feel comfortable? Told off? Helped? Stressed? Relaxed? Able to achieve your goal? Etc.
    For each of you reflect together using the Filmed Communication Reflection tool and jot down notes in each section. You can use these notes as a basis for your 1000 word reflection.
    The reflection should
    ✓ Deeply reflect on one strength and one area for development in your ability to communicate and effect dietary change.
    ✓ Be supported by reference to and critique of the scholarly literature in this field, this may be making reference to communication theory, models of behaviour change or clinical trial evidence of interventions that have led to effective dietary change.
    ✓ Consider the effectiveness of your communication and or professional skills as demonstrated during your communication activity.
    ✓ Conclude with a specific and actionable goal of no more than one sentence that will help your communication for facilitating dietary change.
    Don’t forget to hand in before 18:00 hours on the 4th of November 2020.
    Please see the module guide for all the information on penalties for work that is too long, referencing, plagiarism and cheating. https://charteredessay.com/fnsacc412-prepare-operational-budgets-assessment-name-fnsacc412-assignment/

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