A change in which of the following will NOT shift the demand curve for hamburgers?

A.A change in which of the following will NOT shift the demand curve for hamburgers?


a. the price of hot dogs

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b. the price of hamburgers

c. the price of hamburger buns

d. the income of hamburger consumers

B. Which of the following will shift the demand curve for pizza to the right?

a. an increase in the price of hamburgers, a substitute for pizza

b. an increase in the price of root beer, a complement to pizza

c. the departure of college students, as they leave for summer vacation

d. a decrease in the price of pizza

C. I f pasta is an inferior good, then the demand curve shifts to the _________ when _________ rises.

a. right; the price of pasta

b. right; consumers’ income

c. left; the price of pasta

d. left; consumers’ income

D. Which of the following moves the pizza market up along a given supply curve?

a. an increase in the price of pizza

b. an increase in the price of root beer, a complement to pizza

c. a decrease in the price of cheese, an input to pizza

d. a kitchen fire that destroys a popular pizza joint

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