Adult Lifespan Journal Entry

Adult Lifespan Journal Entry Week #1 Academic Level : Bachelor Paper details Identify and analyze Human Development across the Lifespan. Read: Adult Lifespan Journal Explanation Preview the document It is important to note that these specific guidelines are applied to each weekly journal entry. I am 38 years old I suffer from anxiety. I exercise 2 hours a day every day. I was a soldier who has suffered sexual trauma and abuse from my ex-husband and I am currenting going back to court for his trail because he has violated the Victim protective order. Complete: Journal entry #1 in Adult Lifespan Journal Learners will analyze human development across the lifespan as it applies to the context of individuals and/or families by applying human development theory. Reminders for Academic Writing Assignment: Minimum 2-3 pages Format – Times New Roman 12 point font 1 inch margins Double spaced Fully developed paragraphs following basic Academic Writing Standards Title Page is Included but not counted in the total number of pages required. Reference Pages do not count in the total number of assignment pages required Copies of Artifacts, documentation, photographs, etc. do not count in the total number of assignment pages required. APA Style This assignment is a critical assessment learning outcome artifact. Copies of this assignment must be on file for assessment. Please submit this assignment electronically in addition to any printed copies your instructor may request.

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