Advertising Functions


The influence of advertising in everyday life is greater than many people realize. This is because the effects of advertising often work in subtle ways, to the point that many people do not even realize they are being marketed to after encountering advertisements.

Generally speaking, advertising is valued due to being recognized as performing up to five critical communication functions: informing, influencing, reminding and increasing salience, adding value and/or assisting with other company efforts and cross-promotion.

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For Project 4, you’ll analyze advertising examples and to what extent they perform the five critical communication functions:

Choose one of the following companies: Nike, Costco, Samsung or Baskin-Robbins.
Check out your chosen company’s Facebook page and pick one of their social media posts. Take a screenshot of their post and submit it as part of this project.
Answer the following questions (minimum 2-3 sentences for each)
Which target market is the company directing their ad to?
What is this ad trying to accomplish? What function is the ad serving (informing, influencing, reminding and increasing salience, adding value and/or assisting with other company efforts and cross-promotion)?
Critique the advertisement. Does it effectively convey their message to their target market?
Offer recommendations to make the ad better.

The post Advertising Functions first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.