Analysis of Malcolm Gladwell, David and Goliath,

Choose one of the books you read this semester and write a review of the book. Use the information from this
module to help you develop your book review.
You may choose from any of the following titles:
1. flesh to bone by ire’ne lara silva
2. Zoot Suit by Luis Valdez
3. Teeth Never Sleep by Angel Garcia
4. Year of the Dog by Deborah Paredez
5. Children of the Land by Marcelo Hernandez Castillo*
Your book review must:
be between 2-5 pages long
include a thesis statement that tells us the main argument of the book
include moments from the book that help us understand the main argument of the book
includes both a summary of the text and an analysis of the work
tell the reader whether or not your recommend the book and why



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