Analyze and synthesize cited literature to show how other authors support your beliefs about each of the following (paraphrase or use quotes)

Personal Philosophy of Nursing Paper (Be sure to follow APA format for headings and subheadings) • Introduction (Do not use as a heading) o Discuss the theorist you have chosen and why • Beliefs About Each Major Theory Concept (Heading) o State your beliefs about each major theory concept (client, health, environment, nursing) o Use analysis and synthesis of cited references to support your beliefs ? – Each concept (client, health, environment, & nursing) supported by literature from noted authors or chosen theorist. Analyze and synthesize cited literature to show how other authors support your beliefs about each of the following (paraphrase or use.
quotes) • Client • Health • Environment (Use these as sub-headings) • Nursing • Personal Values Related to Nursing Practice (Heading) o Discuss what you value and who/what may have been influential in you adopting those values (Parents, Grandparents, Educational System, Military Service, Religion, etc.). Omit influences if you are exceeding page maximum. o Use analysis and synthesis of cited references to support your values. Cite authors that support your values. Religious texts can be used. • Student’s Personal Nursing behaviors (Heading) o Describe specific behaviors that you will demonstrate based on your personal values. o Use analysis and synthesis of cited references, especially your theorist, to support these behaviors. • Personal Philosophy of Nursing (Heading) o State your personal philosophy of nursing. Keep it brief and concise, something you could quote in a nursing interview. No need to cite references here. • Summary (Heading) o This should summarize, in one paragraph, the earlier ideas presented in the paper. o You should not introduce new ideas in the summary • Conclusion/Recommendations (Heading) o This can be conclusions/recommendations related to your personal nursing practice and also for the profession. Additional criteria: • Maximum of 5 pages (not including cover and reference page) o Pages beyond 5 will not be grades, possibly resulting in loss of points • Be sure to check your grammar and spelling • All cited content, articles, and studies must be relevant to within the last 5 years. –