Annotated bibliography youth vaping | Article writing homework help


Annotated Bibliography (Youth Vaping cont’d)

Continue to assemble your annotated bibliography, adding and annotating a minimum of 6–8 new additional sources (at least 5 of which must be peer-reviewed). These can include, but not be limited to, resources identified for your previous and current assignment. 

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**Make sure to include at least one source that addresses how diverse perspectives or cultural differences affect the problem you are seeking to further understand. Highlight new sources that you added for this module.

*Remember, your annotations should capture sufficiently the essence of what the source document was about and any critical details you will want to be able to recall as you begin drafting your report, plan, etc.; for this reason, tremendous care should be taken in drafting your annotations.

Length: 4-6 pages, double-spaced (excluding cover-page).

Format: APA format is required for this assignment.