Big Regulatory Changes That Could Affect Your Business in 2017



The article name is 6 Big Regulatory Changes That Could Affect Your Business in 2017

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After read this article write a summary. This is my final project , so please do it careful.

Select an article (no more than a year old) that discusses recent changes or upcoming changes to a law, regulation, or EEOC guideline that directly effects Human Resource Management include the history regarding the inception of it. This article may come from a newspaper, journal, peer reviewed article, marketing and/or advertising materials.

You will need to submit a copy of the article you selected with your summary. The summary should be 2-4 pages, double-spaced, Times New Roman, font size 12, and APA format. It is recommended that you include 3-5 references/resources.

The post Big Regulatory Changes That Could Affect Your Business in 2017 first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.