Business ethics/lord of war quiz


The Lord of Communication: a VIDEO quiz

This is a first for my classes – a video quiz. I want you to create a video of yourself answering the quiz questions. Think of it like this: if we were in class, and I asked you to stand up and answer the first question, how would you respond? What would you say and how would you say it? How would you answer the question so we know that you have watched the film and you understand the business ethics concept? AND, just as importantly, how would you communicate your understanding to make OTHERS understand as well.

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Below is the Lord of War quiz. There are directions on the quiz, so be sure you read them.

When answering the questions, please use as much detail and depth as you need to make your point clear to the audience. Your understanding of the characters, the film, and the business ethics concept should be explained using examples and detail from the film. 

The bottom line is this: I want to be sure you have watched the film, and you understand all of the business ethics concepts we have gone over. The questions on the quiz will show me if you have watched the movie and whether you have gone through the lecture notes.

When you are ready, go to the “Student Videos/Speeches (Go React)” section to record your video quiz. There will be some directions there as well, so be sure to follow them.

GO REACT NEW_LOW VIDEO QUIZ_2020.pdf GO REACT NEW_LOW VIDEO QUIZ_2020.pdf – Alternative Formats