Can Jack and the other members of the queue sue for PPP for their Psychiatric injuries?

Prepare a report

▪As the marketing manager for PPP, you have been asked to produce a report that addresses the following issues

▪Issue One: Can Jack sue for misrepresentation?

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▪Issue Two: Can Jack sue for PPP for his injuries?

▪Issue Three: Can Jill sue for PPP for her physical injuries? ▪Issue Four: Can Jill sue for PPP for her Psychiatric injuries? ▪Issue Five: Can Jack and the other members of the queue sue for PPP for their Psychiatric injuries?

▪Issue Six: What is the status of Jack’s ownership of the ring? ▪Issue Seven: Has Jack committed insurance fraud?

▪Issue Eight: Does the attendant have a claim under either Wrongful or Unfair Dismissal

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