Choose one of the four activities used by the HR managers 

Choose one of the four activities used by the HR managers to create market-competitive pay systems outlined in Chapter 7 of the textbook (Martocchio, 2015, p.147).

Choose one of the four activities used by the HR managers

Choose one of the four activities used by the HR managers to create market-competitive pay systems outlined in Chapter 7 of the textbook (Martocchio, 2015, p.147). Provide a brief summary of the chosen activity and reflect on at least one challenge that relates to the activity’s implementation process, which HR manager may encounter. Support your analysis with one additional article to support your arguments.

The quality of your posting will be assessed, not your viewpoint. Your posting will be assessed based on your understanding, thinking, writing, communication, application, and documentation, using the rubric provided. To view the grading rubric associated with this discussion, click the Options icon (3 dots) in the top right corner of the page, and select Show Rubric.

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Click on Reply below to post an initial post to the discussion prompt by 11:59PM on Thursday of this week. Your Initial post must be at least 400 words and demonstrate course-related knowledge. Comment on at least two colleagues’ posts, by clicking on Reply below their posts, by Saturday,11:59 PM of this week. Response posts must be 150 words minimum, debate or substantiate the original post. Further, provide support for each reply post position.

More details;

Developing and Implementing Strategic HRM Plans

The Value of Planning

James stumbled into his position as the human resource manager. He had been working for Techno, Inc. for three years, and when the company grew, James moved from a management position into a human resource management position. Techno, Inc. is a technology and software consulting company for the music industry.

James didn’t have a good handle on how to effectively run a human resources (HR) department, so for much of the time he tried to figure it out as he went. When Techno started seeing rapid growth, he hired thirty people within a one-month period to meet the demand. Proud of his ability to accomplish his task of meeting the business’s current needs, James was rather please with himself. He had spent numerous hours mulling over recruitment strategies, putting together excellent compensation plans, and then eventually sifting through résumés as a small part of the hiring process. Now the organization had the right number of people needed to carry out its projects.



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