Choose two montage works for comparison one of which needs to be a film.


Written Essay (3000 words)

Choose two montage works for comparison one of which needs to be a film (one of the works can be from your previous essay and the only requirement is that the two works are not listed under the same week). (You are also free to choose works which are not on any of these lists so long as they can be discussed in terms of montage and one of them is a film.) For collage and photomontage discuss the whole work. For film, cultural, and literary pieces choose a part of it (couple of minutes/pages long). Compare the works according to their montage aspects: 1) types of elements used in montage (ready-made or not, type of ready-made, etc.), 2) the relationship between montage elements (spatial, temporal, graphic, diegetic, perceptual, etc.), and 3) the function of the juxtaposition of montage elements (what is the aesthetic, political, etc. goal of combining these elements). For the film work identify and discuss at least two contemporary sources (within 3 years of premiere in that country) which we have not discussed in class in relation to montage (if sources do not mention montage write what they do focus on). Use existing readings and external sources as evidence in your discussion and argument.

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40% Evidence of research into chosen works and its coherent formulation in an essay form

40% Evidence of comparing the content, form, and function of the work’s montage aspects.

20% Evidence of research and discussion of contemporary sources.


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