Community Change


Write a two- to- three- page paper (excluding title and reference pages) that identifies a problem faced by your community. Discuss how a model of community change could be implemented to improve the problem.

Describe six features of your community (e.g., cultural make up, size, and locality).
Define the problem (e.g., obesity, environmental pollution, teenage pregnancy, graffiti, truancy, gangs, drugs, child labor, or insufficient educational programs) and explain why the problem is detrimental to the community.
Select a model of community change identified in the textbook and explain how it could be implemented to improve the problem.

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At least three aspects of the problem you think that the model will be most successful at solving and provide reasoning as to why.
At least three aspects of the problem you think that the model will struggle to solve and provide reasoning as to why.




The post Community Change first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.