Compose a 4-5 page essay that critically examines your own communication skills and practices, including areas that you might be able to actively engage with and improve.

For this assignment, you will compose a 4-5 page essay that critically examines your own communication skills and practices, including areas that you might be able to actively engage with and improve.

You will choose and describe one communication event from your own life directly related to your experiences with COVID-19 and/or structural racism that challenged your ability to communicate well with a person or group of people who are important to you or that offer an example of challenging communication patterns.

A communication event is a contained unit of communication.

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Here are the details:

1) First, develop a brief, 1-paragraph introduction that (a) sets the scene, (b) offers a roadmap for your paper, and (c) presents a thesis statement.

2) Now, briefly describe your communication even and analyze it by using concepts that we have learned.

In your analysis, you will define and apply at least four communication concepts.
Be sure to take care to pose questions to yourself as you organize and write your paper that interrogate your own belief systems.

If you were a participant, you will ask yourself about your own participation. If you were an observer, you will ask yourself about your preconceived responses.

3) In your conclusion, reflect on how you aim to improve your communication with others by offering a detailed description that includes strategies that you have learned in this course.

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