Concept Analysis – LEADERSHIP

Concept Analysis – LEADERSHIP
Description of the Assignment
This assignment presents a modified method for conducting a concept analysis of one concept that is important and useful to the nurse practitioner role.  The concept for this assignment must be supported by a published nursing theory. The selected concept is identified and then the elements of the analysis process are applied in order to synthesize knowledge for application as demonstrated through the creation of a model case. Theoretical applications of the concept are also discussed. Non-nursing theories may not be used. Scholarly literature is incorporated throughout the analysis.
Only the elements identified in this assignment should be used for this concept analysis.
Concept to be analyzed: LEADERSHIP – Each selected concept must be associated with a nursing theory; the use of non-nursing theories is not allowed.
Please note: the concepts of caring or cultural humility are not permitted for this assignment.
Criteria for Content:
1.    Definition/Explanation of the selected nursing concept
o    Defines/explains the concept using scholarly literature (a dictionary maybe used for this section only)
o    Support from nursing literature is required.
2. Defining attributes:
o    A minimum of  four (4) attributes are required.
o    Support from nursing literature is required.
Explanation:  An attribute identifies characteristics of a concept.  For this question, the characteristics of the selected nursing concept are identified and discussed.
3.    Antecedent and Consequence
o    1 antecedent of the selected nursing concept.
o    1 consequence of the selected nursing concept.
o    Support from nursing literature is required.
Explanation:  An antecedent is an identifiable occurrence that happens before an event. An antecedent precedes a selected nursing concept. A consequence follows or is the result of an event.  The selected consequence follows or is the result of the selected nursing concept.
4. Model Case
o    1 Model Case is created by the student and discussed substantively by demonstrating within the case each of the following areas:
    Definition
    All identified attributes
5.    Theoretical Applications of the Concept
o    Explain how the concept applies to the selected nursing theory.
o    Support from nursing literature is required.
6.    Reflection
o    Reflect on how the concept analysis findings apply to your advanced nursing practice, specifically as an NP.
o    Self-reflection may be written in first-person.
Preparing the Assignment – Criteria for Format and Special Instructions
1.    Reference page and in-text citations must follow APA 7 guidelines as found in the current edition of the manual.
2.    The source of the concept for this assignment must be a published nursing theory. Non-nursing theories may not be used.
3.    A minimum of 5 (five) scholarly references must be used. A dictionary maybe used as a reference for the section titled “Definition/Explanation of the selected nursing concept”, but it is not counted as one of the 5 required scholarly nursing references. Be aware that information from .com websites may be incorrect and should be avoided.
4.    References are current – within a 5-year time frame.
5.    Ideas and information from scholarly, peer reviewed, nursing sources must be cited and referenced correctly.
6.    Rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, and punctuation are followed and consistent with formal, scientific writing.