Create an insect symbol that represents you.Why did you choose this insect symbol to represent you?Explain


You are to create an insect symbol that represents you. Using this website ( , to review a few insect and arthropod species and their meaning. Using this information, you are to create an insect symbol that represents yourself. Think of this assignment as the insect as your spirit animal.

Some points you should address in your post are:

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1. What is the name of your cultural symbol (you can use a currently named insect species (such as the blue morph butterfly, leafcutter ants, etc.)

2. Why did you choose this insect symbol to represent you?

3. What kind of significance does this insect hold for you?

4. What greater significance does this insect have in the world, if any? Are they revered (like the scarab beetle) Are they extremely popular as an aesthetic creature?

5. Include a picture of your insect spirit animal cultural symbol. This can be a picture that you draw or create yourself or a picture that you find online that you feel represents yourself best.

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