Critical Paths are done in multiple ways with one main purpose of assessing which tasks are required, when the task timeline is estimated, and finally, when the task is completed. It is important to ensure the Critical Path document has an excellent layout, with an engaging formatting scheme, to ensure the user does not miss anything.

Critical Path Assignment
Critical Paths are done in multiple ways with one main purpose of assessing which tasks are required, when the task timeline is estimated, and finally, when the task is completed.
It is important to ensure the Critical Path document has an excellent layout, with an engaging formatting scheme, to ensure the user does not miss anything.
You will be working on this assignment in groups of 2–3 people. Meet in a virtual session to complete this assignment. Using the storyline you received from your professor, place the tasks in the appropriate months. You should brainstorm all required tasks for the planning unit.
All teams will have a minimum of four colours representing and a maximum of six: one for sourcing, one for confirming, one colour for finalizing, and the last for the event day. Your group may decide to use additional colours for the week prior to the event, the day prior to the event, or both. Your group should complete the critical path with at least 50–75 action items.
Transfer the assorted tasks into an Excel document template. This template can include colours, but remember that you want to the correct chronological order of all tasks. All sequencing must start at the sourcing process and scaffold to the event day. The minimum number of tasks on your critical path must be 125, and the maximum is 140.
The critical path must be in an Excel template with a minimum duration of 8 months of planning and a maximum of one year.
The Critical Path Excel document submission should include the names and Student ID’s of all team members.
Additional research and sourcing will be required for the critical path. Please do not call or source quotes for this assignment.
This assignment is worth 10% of your final grade. Submit the assignment to the Dropbox “Critical Path Assignment” by the end of Week 11.
Be sure to include each of the following in your assignment. Any missed item will be a mark deduction from your overall mark on this assignment.
Minimum of 50-75 action items
Minimum of 4 colours representing sourcing, confirming, finalizing and day of the event
Duration of planning should be between 8 months and 1 year
Action items must align with your story line
Items should be organized in appropriate categories
Brainstorm a list of tasks to be completed: Possible items, Finding a venue, Marketing the event, Finding sponsorship, Food and beverage, etc.
Other important considerations:
The date of the event
Actions that need to be taken after the event (ex. thank you cards, evaluations)
Important holidays that may affect deadlines and progression
Group members anticipated absences