Critical PathScenario Client

Critical Path- Scenario Client

Research will be required to understand any business needs; you may fill in any gaps you see fit to complete your Critical Path

  • Venue- Downtown
  • Function: Fashion show- Winter Collection- high end men’s and Women’s fashion
  • Date: August 2023
  • 900 guests- no children
  • Multiple rooms required- 1 for Catwalk and seating- 2 for Networking and Reception- 3 Changeroom and makeup
  • Day before venue will be pre-set with wardrobe, hair, make-up, food rooms
  • Production team arriving for set-up at 9:00am day of event
  • Photographer arriving at 4:30pm
  • Arrival of host – 7:00pm
  • Swag bags handed out to guests on the red carpet- photos of guests
  • Red Carpet- Guests arrival 7:00pm
  • Champagne and mineral water served as guests sit for fashion show
  • Guests are seated, fashion show begins at 8:30pm-9:15pm
  • Podium and mic required
  • Live music will be placing throughout reception
  • Butlered Hors d’ouevres and bar service until 11pm

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