Current Issues in Cyber forensics


1. Think about Robert Merton’s (1938) Classic Strain Theory and discuss how it relates to Cybercrime, Phishing, and the scams on the Internet today
(5-6 sentences – Critical Thinking and Analysis) 10 points

2. Discuss the victim and why they fall prey to these romance scams and other scams – 5 points ( 5-6 sentences) (15 points so far)

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3. Discuss Sykes and Matza (1957) and their methods theory that allow a person to break conformity. – 5 points ( 5-6 sentences) (20 points so far)



4. Discuss some of the new concealed USB devices and how they make investigations more difficult for law enforcement. – 5 points ( 5-6 sentences) (25 points so far)



5. What is the difference between a Logical Acquisition and a Physical Acquisition in digital forensics? – 5 points ( 5-6 sentences) (30 points so far)



6. Discuss the eight categories of Willard’s Topology of Cyberbullying (2007)


7. With regards to digital forensics, what is a chain of custody and why is it important? 5 points ( 5-6 sentences) (40 points so far)


8. What is steganography and please give an example of it with regards to digital pictures?
10 points (5-6 sentences) (50 points so far)


9… Discuss the difference between data recovery and digital forensics.

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