Demonstrate critical knowledge of the impacts of restorative justice practices upon victims of crime.

Critically discuss how restorative justice aims to bring victims and witnesses to the centre of the criminal justice process.

Analyse the effectiveness of restorative justice in reducing recidivism and empowering victims in the aftermath of a crime Demonstrate critical knowledge of historical and current management of victims and witnesses in the criminal justice system, both adult and youth.

• Focus your research on the use of restorative justice within the criminal justice system.

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• Discuss the key aims of restorative justice in respect of victims and witnesses, considering their increased participation and involvement in the criminal justice system.

• Evaluate the success of restorative justice schemes in relation to reducing reoffending rates.

• Demonstrate critical knowledge of the impacts of restorative justice practices upon victims of crime.

• Consider how offenders, victims and witnesses are dealt with by
both systems.

Chicago style referencing required

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