Describe and discuss the role and impact of social policy on social service delivery and access to social services.

Writing Guidelines: This assignment should be written using APA style citations in-text and references. It will be approximately 8-10 pages in length. You should consult your textbook and at least 2-3 other evidence-based sources as resources for the paper. Focus on demonstrating your knowledge and understanding of the course material. Do not rely primarily on quotations or words from other sources in your response. Use examples and evidence to support your opinions. Identify the section name, number, and title that you are responding to as indicated to help organize your response. ASSIGNMENT: Three parts (1-3) make up this assignment. There are multiple elements (A-C) to the third part. Be sure to provide full and complete information for all elements of each part. 1. Identify a social policy at each of the three levels of government (local, state and federal) that impacts well-being, social service delivery, and access to social services. For each of the 3 policies, provide the title and source of the policy along with a brief description of how the policy influences well-being, social service delivery, and access to social services (for example, education, income support, therapeutic support, housing, etc.). (2-3 paragraphs per policy). Suggested resources are attached with this assignment. 2. Describe and discuss the role and impact of social policy on social service delivery and access to social services. Provide an example to support your response. (3-4 paragraphs) 3. Formulate, advocate for, and analyze a social policy designed to advance human rights and social, economic, and environmental justice by doing each of the following: A) Formulate a policy i)The problem: Provide evidence of the current (within the past 5-8 years) status and impact of a social issue/problem from the textbook. For example, identify who is primarily or directly affected by this issue/problem and who may be indirectly affected. Cite available statistics and appropriate sources. Include information from at least one other evidence-based source, such as a journal article, or other instructor approved source, in addition to your textbook, to provide evidence for your response. (3-4 paragraphs) ii) The policy: Formulate a policy related to this problem. This can be a new policy idea or an adaptation to a previous policy. Respond to the following points about the policy. a) Describe the policy. Is it a new policy, an adaptation of an earlier policy, a different approach to an ongoing problem? Cite at least the last 2- 3 recent prior policies on the topic, their main approach to the problem, and identify how your policy approach will differ from these. (4-5 paragraphs) b) Provide details on your approach. How will it impact the identified population? How will it impact service delivery and access to services? How is the policy funded? Implemented? Provide information from at least two evidence-based sources; a journal article, or other instructor approved source, in addition to your textbook, to provide examples to support your response. (3-4 paragraphs)