Describe how the protective factors[8] within the environment of the child you observed could serve to alleviate stress and foster resilience.

Contextual Factors
Based on what you know about this child and his/her family, describe 2-3 contextual factors9 that you consider to be “protective” or strengths.
Describe how at least one (1) contextual factor (e.g. race, ethnicity, language, ability, socio-economic status, religion, community, society) based on the child you observed may influence their physical and mental health, well-being, and nutrition while being respectful of diverse family and community characteristics (NAEYC 2a).
Protective Factors
Describe how the protective factors[8] within the environment of the child you observed could serve to alleviate stress and foster resilience.
Recommendations and Reflection
Based on your observation, list at least three (3) ways to utilize resources and partnerships with families and other professional colleagues to build effective learning environments for the child (NAEYC 3d.).
Based on your observation, do you recommend further screening or assessment? Explain. If applicable, do you recommend the need for assistive technology for children with disabilities (NAEYC 3c)? Explain.
Final Reflection: Describe the benefits of using systematic observation as an assessment tool (NAEYC 3a). What did you learn about child development from this observation experience?

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