Determine the necessary surface area if the overall heat transfer coefficient is 1.135 kW/m2 K.


A.    A tubular heater of the counterflow type is used to heat 1.26 kg/s of fuel oil (cp = 3.14 kJ/kg K) from 10∞C to 26.7∞C. Heat is supplied by means of 1.51 kg/s of water which enters the heater at 82∞C.

(a)   Derive an equation relating the temperatures of oil and water at any section of the heater.

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(b)   Determine the necessary surface area if the overall heat transfer coefficient is 1.135 kW/m2 K.


B.    Water is evaporated continuously at 100°C in an evaporator by cooling 500 kg of air per hour from 260∞C to 150∞C. Calculate the heat transfer surface area required and the steam evaporation per hour, if the liquid enters at 100∞C. Take U0 = 46 W/m2 K and cp of air 1.005 kJ/kg K. At 100∞, hf g = 2257 kJ/kg.

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