Develop a list of at least five resources that you could use to inform decision making for or implementation of the Harbor City Behavioral Health Center’s opioid abuse/recovery or elder care program

As a behavioral health leader, you will need the ability to locate and evaluate resources (e.g., people, information) carefully and to determine how to use relevant information to solve problems and make wise decisions. Information literacy offers a series of processes as a means to deal successfully with information. By linking information literacy and content matter, behavioral health leaders can create authentic experiences for stakeholders and partners. Behavioral health leaders orchestrate people, processes, and systems to optimize their organization’s operations and impact. Technology provides access to resources and information, and a successful leader can apply information literacy skills to search, choose, select, and evaluate those resources.
To prepare for this Discussion:
Develop a list of at least five resources that you could use to inform decision making for or implementation of the Harbor City Behavioral Health Center’s opioid abuse/recovery or elder care program. These resources may include stakeholders for partnerships or empirical evidence such as peer-reviewed articles. (Note: Articles should not previously have been provided as Learning Resources in the course.)
With these thoughts in mind:
By Day 3
Post the list of resources you identified. Written resources should be provided in proper APA format. Provide a plan for how you would utilize each to optimize the successful implementation of the addiction or elder care program.