Discuss in a 500 word essay a) how fantasy works in the life ot the young boy in this story, compared to Rosabel

Fantasy And Class in James Joyce’s Short Story Araby

Discuss in a 500 word essay a) how fantasy works in the life ot the young boy in this story, compared to Rosabel; b) literary realism elements (experience of food, nature, dress, mode of transportation, quality of communication, etc) used in this story to establish setting or drive the plot; and c) the similarities and difference in the authors’ sympathetic kinship to their characters.


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In we saw The Tiredness of Rosabel how Katherine Mansfield told a story whose plot was driven by how fantasy plays a role in a frustrated working class existence — while continuing to use literary devices that helped delineate class experience: ie the experience of food, nature, dress, dwellings and modes of transportation; communication/miscommunication.

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