Discuss the focused pertinent physical exam for this patient as well as what further diagnostics are needed in providing evidenced based care.

Mr. Hightower is a 52 year old male with a PMH Type 2 DM, Hyperlipidemia, and HTN. He is a new patient to your office stating he stopped his meds several months ago and he cannot remember what he took in the past. His BP is 150/90. HR 88, RR 20 BMI 35. HGB A1C is 9.6, Total chol 225, LDLs 183, HDL 35. CBC, CHem, LFTs are wnl except for glucose of 124. Discuss the focused pertinent physical exam for this patient as well as what further diagnostics are needed in providing evidenced based care. What medications are important to start for this patient to treat his co-morbidities. Include the follow-up for this gentleman along with pertinent diagnostics. needed at time of follow-up and written prescriptions to treat this gentleman’s HTN, hyperlipidemia, and Type 2 DM. References should be evidenced based and include current guidelines for the treatment of his co-morbidities.

The paper should be a maximum of 7-10 pages and in APA format. Please attach you midterm assignment in word format here.

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