Discuss the similarities and differences between the social, economic, and political philosophies of Alexander Hamilton and the Federalists versus Thomas Jefferson and the Republicans.

*Paragraph 1:

Discuss the similarities and differences between the social, economic, and political philosophies of Alexander Hamilton and the Federalists versus Thomas Jefferson and the Republicans (Anti-Federalists).

*Paragraph 2: 1st Body Paragraph:

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Discuss the similarities and differences between the social, economic, and political philosophies of Alexander Hamilton and the Federalists versus Thomas Jefferson and the Republicans (Anti-Federalists): Why did these political factions emerge? How did each view the other?

* Paragraph 3: 2nd Body Paragraph:

Discuss the similarities and differences between the social, economic, and political philosophies of Alexander Hamilton and the Federalists versus Thomas Jefferson and the Republicans (Anti-Federalists)r: From what segments of society did each faction draw its support? How did each faction view slavery?

* Paragraph 4: 3rd Body Paragraph:

Discuss the similarities and differences between the social, economic, and political philosophies of Alexander Hamilton and the Federalists versus Thomas Jefferson and the Republicans (Anti-Federalists): Was this the precursor to the debate over slavery in the Antebellum period?

* Paragraph 5: Conclusion:

Close out your paper by writing and summarizing your findings.

2: Write out an outline to help you organize your paper.

3: Write your paper on a Microsoft Word Document and make sure you have read your own work several times and edited it before you submit your paper.

You will need to explain the historical context in which these texts were written, based on what you have read in the text and learned in-class discussion, and how they relate and help answer the prompt. No secondary sources, other than the provided text should be integrated into this paper’s analysis.

Goals of this paper:

The purpose of this assignment is to advance your ability to reason through a specific historical question and to communicate through written text your ideas. Your paper should critically consider the issue and or problem and deliver all relevant information. You should also provide a clear thesis statement.


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