Discuss the value of adaptive learning for children with dyslexia who are being taught in mainstream primary school settings.


Title: The value of adaptive learning for children with dyslexia who are being taught in mainstream primary school settings: a systematic review

Section 8 – Ethical issues

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Are there particular features of the proposed work which may raise ethical concerns or add to the complexity of ethical decision making? If so, please outline how you will deal with these.
It is important that you demonstrate your awareness of potential risks or harm that may arise as a result of your research. You should then demonstrate that you have considered ways to minimise the likelihood and impact of each potential harm that you have identified.

Be as specific as possible in describing the ethical issues you will have to address. Please consider / address ALL issues that may apply.
Ethical concerns may include, but not be limited to, the following areas:
Informed consent
Potentially vulnerable participants
Safeguarding/child protection
Sensitive topics
International research
Risks to participants and/or researchers
Disclosures/limits to confidentiality
Data storage and security both during and after the research (including transfer, sharing, encryption, protection)
Dissemination and use of findings
Section 9 Further Information
Outline any other information you feel relevant to this submission, using a separate sheet or attachments if necessary.

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