Do you think in these relationships there could be more than one third variable? Like what if the third variable is something that cannot be cured?Explain

Assignment Instructions II:
As related to causal relationship, the third variable can be disease severity. Please address the following statement and questions.
“If the disease is severe, lack of medication increases the symptoms, while in less severe infections such as a cold, the symptoms can reduce without requiring medication” when discussing third variable. Do you think in these relationships there could be more than one third variable? Like what if the third variable is something that cannot be cured? It might be able to be managed but not cured.

As related to the PEW Research Report on science information shared through social media. Please address the following statement and questions.
“My personal experiences agree with the results of the study. Because these groups provide different, first-hand information to Internet users about interesting facts about animals not found in Internet sources, these groups are quick at giving readers new scientific discoveries to keep them interested in the groups.” How would someone that is new to this topic of science on social media, find them creditable? Also, as an individual that follows them what could you tell me, to make me want to follow them or trust in their knowledge is correct?

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