Does the essay provide a coherent argument in answer to the question? Does it go beyond a description of what individual sources say to make original evidence-based analytical points, e.g. by combining multiple sources into nuanced insight? (Analysis)

The paper should be an academic evidence-based essay. I have uploaded the lecture related to the topic of the essay, I will provide the lecture slides for the other lectures from the module. I have also uploaded a sample highly marked essay from last year, which is on a different topic.
Assessment Criteria:
Your assignment will be assessed against the marking criteria according to the following assessment criteria:
Does the essay make adequate use of module materials? Does it evidence accurate understanding of these materials and, more broadly, the topic discussed? (Comprehension)
Does the essay provide a coherent argument in answer to the question? Does it go beyond a description of what individual sources say to make original evidence-based analytical points, e.g. by combining multiple sources into nuanced insight? (Analysis)
Are all clEvaluation)aims made in the essay sufficiently backed up by citations to high-quality sources? Is there evidence of questioning the sources used, for instance by seeking further evidence that corroborates, qualifies or contradicts their claims? (Critical Our team will be implementing the Quality Function Deployment chart to have a better understanding of what are the customer concerns and be able to effectively respond to those customer needs and expectations.

Does the essay keep good academic writing standards regarding essay structure, paragraph structure and language use? Have citation and referencing conventions been followed consistently? (Academic Writing)
The Essential Readings for the “Employee Voice” topic are:
Bratton, J. and Gold, J., 2017. Human resource management: theory and practice, Chapter 14 – ‘Employee voice’
Tony Dundon, Adrian Wilkinson *, Mick Marchington & Peter Ackers (2004) The meanings and purpose of employee voice, The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 15:6, 1149-1170, DOI: 10.1080/095851904100016773359
Further readings:
Managing Human Resources : Human Resource Management in Transition, Chapter 13 edited by Stephen Bach, and Martin Edwards, John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, 2013.
Reassessing the Employment Relationship, Chapter 15 edited by E. Heery, and Peter Turnbull, Macmillan Education UK, 2010.
Purcell, J. and Georgiadis, K. 2018. 8. Why Should Employers Bother with Worker Voice?. In: Boxall, P., Freeman, R. and Haynes, P. ed. What Workers Say. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, pp. 181-197.
Donaghey, J. et al. (2011) ‘Reconceptualising employee silence: problems and prognosis’, Work, Employment and Society, 25(1), pp. 51–67. doi: 10.1177/0950017010389239
Upchurch, M., Richardson, M., Tailby, S., Danford, A. and Stewart, P., 2006. Employee representation and partnership in the non‐union sector: a paradox of intention?. Human Resource Management Journal, 16(4), pp.393-410.

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