Enterprise System Recommendation



SugarCubedSquared, Inc. manufactures candy in Riyadh and distributes its products throughout the KSA. The organization has over 300 employees in three locations. Its functional business units currently work in silos, with data pertaining to their various departments held in separate, legacy systems. The company’s revenues are growing, and it has an online retail site.

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As the company’s IT manager, you have been tasked with recommending a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) an enterprise system to senior management. Address the following:

Which type of enterprise system would you recommend and why?
What are the benefits of implementing such a system?
What challenges do you foresee in implementing this system? How would you address these?
What are some of the vendors that offer such systems? Is there one that’s preferable given the organization’s needs? Why? What business factors should be addressed in order to make this determination?



The post Enterprise System Recommendation first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.