Ethics article summary | Management homework help

First Article 150-200 words 


Select an article that touches on the ethical concepts you learned from this week.  Post a summary of your article for discussion with your classmates, and answer the following question:

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What ethical dilemmas did you notice in your article review for this week? Provide examples and incorporate concepts you learned from the textbook (include reference). 

This week we will be learning about Recognizing and Respecting the Rights of All. The materials presented this week provide opportunities will allow you to:

  1. Assess the role of ethics in a business environment.
  2. Investigate the interaction of business and culture from an ethical perspective.

article two 200-300 words 


The Sikh faith dates to roughly the fourteenth century in India. Its practitioners have made their way to many Western nations, including the United Kingdom, Canada, Italy, and the United States. Sikhs in the West have experienced discrimination due to the distinctive turbans adult males wear, which are sometimes mistaken for Islamic apparel. Men are also required to wear a dagger called a kirpan. California law permits religious observers to wear a sheathed dagger openly, but not hidden away.

Watch this video showing a San Joaquin County Sheriff’s sergeant explaining the accommodation given to Sikhs to wear a kirpan in public ( to learn more.

How comfortable are you with permitting daggers to be carried openly in the workplace?