Evaluate the key elements of the organisational sphere of environmental and public health and the principles of its governance.


This module aims to develop an understanding of leadership in environmental and public health organisations both within and across organisations.

Students will learn about the principles of environmental health and public health governance and their organisational management. Effective leadership styles will be explored with reference to case studies and the theoretical perspective.

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Students will examine available tools for performance management and develop an appreciation of their effectiveness for employees and for leaders of environmental health and public health organisations.

Skills for implementing strategies and policies in these organisations will be developed and principles for leading more effective change will be explored.

On completion of the module, the successful student will be able to:

1. Evaluate the key elements of the organisational sphere of environmental and public health and the principles of its governance.

2. Critique a range of leadership styles and their effectiveness in the public sector in the context of change management/leadership processes

3. Explore how to best influence and negotiate with key stakeholders and partners in the development and implementation of environmental and public health strategies, policies and interventions within a variety of organisations.

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