Explain how a sociologist would view social media from a structural-functionalist’s point of view and from a social conflict perspective’s point of view.

Answer one of the two discussion questions: Question 1: Explain how a sociologist would view social media from a structural-functionalist’s point of view and from a social conflict perspective’s point of view. Give examples of how both of these perspectives would view different aspects of social media. or Question 2: Compare and Contrast two media sources from the news sources below. Pick a news source from the “Right Leaning” column and the “Left-Leaning” column. Explain the differences you see. Do you see media bias? Rubric for Grading To earn the full 10 points, when posting, your answer should: • Be no less than 250 words. (I run a word count before I begin reading.) • Answer the question asked. I can’t stress this enough. Is your answer substantive, detailed, not generalized? Does it use facts and quotes from the book? Your answer should show comprehension of the subject matter. • Be well organized. • In short, your answer exhibits ample evidence of having reviewed or completed the relevant readings. You will earn less than 10 points if your answer: • Is less than 250 words. • Is somewhat responsive to the question and shows some evidence of reading the course materials, but the answer is not backed up with facts or quotes from the book or other sources. • Lacks specificity. • In short, your answer lacks evidence that you reviewed or read the relevant readings.