Explain how this lab demonstrates the importance of business continuity efforts in organizations.

Part 1 – (Labs are completed please see screenshot on Assessment template)

Based upon the steps taken in the lab, explain how configuring websites to use a common NFS share could strengthen business continuity efforts. (Please repond on assessment template Part 1.3 Response. A short paragraph is sufficient)

Explain how this lab demonstrates the importance of business continuity efforts in organizations. (Please repond on assessment template Part 1.4 Response. A short paragraph is sufficient)

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Part 2 – Security Planning: Business Continuity Planning and Incident Response Procedures

Create the following security policies for the company described in the Course Security Scenario. State any assumptions that you make, or details that you might add that add depth, texture, or provide a foundation for your policies. Your goal is to create effective policies that represent modern systems assurance security practices and planning.

Business Continuity Planning- (Please repond on assessment template Part 2.1)

Incident Response Procedures- (Please repond on assessment template Part 2.2)

Consider the following scoring guide criteria as you complete your assessment.

Provide required screenshots that document lab completion.

Write a business continuity plan that is appropriate for the Course Security scenario.

Write an incident response procedure policy that is appropriate for the Course Security scenario.

Explain how configuring websites to use a common NFS share could strengthen business continuity efforts.

Explain how the lab demonstrates the importance of business continuity efforts in organizations.

Additional Instructions

Place all screenshots from Part 1 in the order specified above (make sure to include the step number associated with each screenshot), and your well labeled written work from parts 1 and 2 in the Assessment X Template and submit it.

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