Explain how you could use knowledge from this experience to facilitate both a unit-level and an organization-level change in a nursing workplace. Be specific and provide examples.


For this Assignment, you will not only analyze the personal improvement process you studied and synthesize the findings but apply your knowledge, first for long-term personal improvement and second for application to the professional healthcare setting

The Assignment (4–5 pages, not counting tables, graphs, diagrams, and charts):

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Part 1: Aim

Clearly state the aim of your project. (Aim of my project is TIME MANAGEMENT- this is what I have been discussing for the past six weeks

Part 2: Process Analysis

Consider the process leading to the results that you aimed to improve. Create a process map to identify the steps in the process and identify the people (other than you) who were involved in the process.

Part 3: Measurement

Describe the data collection method used, including an explanation of what you measured and how. Be specific.

Present the data in a table, graph, diagram, run chart, or XmR chart.

Part 4: Changes

There is a saying, “Not all change leads to improvement, but all improvement leads to change.” Explain the changes you made based on the data. What worked? What didn’t work?

Part 5: Reflection and Application

Reflect on your Personal Improvement Project and what you learned.

Explain how you will maintain ongoing improvement in this area long-term.

Explain how you could use knowledge from this experience to facilitate both a unit-level and an organization-level change in a nursing workplace. Be specific and provide examples.

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