Explain the relationship between the organizational structure and business information systems.

After reading this case, respond to the following prompts:
Describe the aspects of the West Jet IT situation that the CIO assessed to respond to the CEO’s concerns as she evaluated whether or not the company had an adequate IT infrastructure. Explain the importance of these aspects. (1–2 pages)
Summarize and critique Smith’s assessment and offer evidence and arguments that major changes in IT at WestJet were essential and that Smith’s governance model would enable WestJet to achieve its strategic goal. (2–3 pages)
Part III: Pinnacle West Case
After reading this case, respond to the following prompts:
Create a PowerPoint presentation containing 5–7 slides with detailed supportive speaker notes. The first slide must present a 3- to 5-point summary of what happens in the “Pinnacle West Case.” The remaining slides must:
Explain the relationship between the organizational structure and business information systems.
Outline the supporting reasons for aligning information systems and business processes.
Evaluate their applicability at Pinnacle West.
Provide a description of the approaches required to implement a process-oriented culture at Pinnacle West.

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