Find an opinion written by a court in your state in which the dispute was between a biological parent and a psychological parent. Who won? Why?

a. Are there any statutes in your state on how the court is to resolve a custody dispute between a biological parent and a psychological parent? If so, what do they say?

b. Find an opinion written by a court in your state in which the dispute was between a biological parent and a psychological parent. Who won? Why? What standards did the judge apply? Were there other facts about the case that you wish the court had provided? If so, what facts and why would you want them?

c. Make up a fact situation involving a custody dispute between a biological parent and a psychological parent. Make it a close case. Include facts that would strongly favor each side. Now write a memorandum in which you discuss the law that would apply in your state to your case. Assume that you are working for the office that represents the psychological parent.

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