Formative assessments of reading or writing

We are already beginning module eleven!  In this module we are going to read, discuss and reflect on the literacy assessment of language learners. For this module, the assigned reading is chapter eight in the McKay text and you can select one of the following articles – Noguerón-Liu et al. (2018) or Johnson (2019) ( the article by Johnson addresses middle school and the article by Noguerón-Liu et al., is on early childhood).  I have included a link to the Purdue English Language Learner Portraits Series for you to experiment with administering a running record or evaluating writing with the rubric they have included.

Castori ( p 1-23)

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For this discussion board, I would like you to consider the types of  formative assessments of reading or writing that you could use for the particular area  and grade level you work with. If you are teaching virtually right now, think about how the formative assessment may be different if administered in a virtual setting.