Give one reason the short-run aggregate-supply curve slopes upward is that a higher price level

A. One reason the short-run aggregate-supply curve slopes upward is that a higher price level


a. raises nominal wages if real wages are sticky.

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b. reduces nominal wages if real wages are sticky.

c. raises real wages if nominal wages are sticky.

d. reduces real wages if nominal wages are sticky.

B. A change in which of the following would shift the short-run aggregate-supply curve but not the longrun aggregate-supply curve?

a. the labor force

b. the capital stock

c. the state of technology

d. the expected price level

C. A sudden increase in business pessimism shifts the aggregate-_________ curve, leading to _________ output.

a. supply; lower

b. supply; higher

c. demand; lower

d. demand; higher

D. A n increase in the aggregate demand for goods and services has a larger impact on output _________ and a larger impact on the price level _________.

a. in the short run; in the long run

b. in the long run; in the short run

c. in the short run; also in the short run

d. in the long run; also in the long run


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