Governance processes

Business Process Improvement Report: ( Business is Renting a home)

The report should cover:

1) Brief description of Audit process and Improvement methods chosen

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– Audit process: Recommend an audit process to monitor and control your improvement method and actions, to make sure that your TO-BE can be achieved and seek your SHOULD-BE

– Improvement method: Recommend any business process improvement methods to achieve your TO-BE and SHOULD-BE

2) Create your SHOULD-BE process:

– Include your TO-BE process flowchart from 1A, and make any amendments required from feedback received

– Perform a VALUE ANALYSIS on your TO-BE, in order to create your SHOULD-BE state

– Produce your SHOULD-BE state using only value added steps/processes, include flowchart

3) Establish and justify governance processes for BPM change and ensure that all stakeholders are considered in both process and technology change.

– Explain and apply business process management concepts, you need to make sure that all stakeholders are considered and explain how are do you recommend we can proceed to implement the changes and continuously seek your SHOULD-BE

– You can use a change management approach, where you can include the changes, reasons, alternatives, risks, resources, etc. 1500 words include the references