Historical theatrical movies

*Explanation – Historical theatrical movies are often an innovative and entertaining way to pique large masses of people’s attention about historical events.  These films typically have larger budgets than documentaries and high-profile cast members. While these movies often call upon scholars for assistance in making the film authentic, they usually deviate from the historical narrative for theatrical reasons. Because of this divergence, individuals who view historical films uncritically risk becoming misinformed.
*Assignment – Using a minimum of five scholarly sources (other sources may also be included) critically review a theatrical film about an event or person in U.S. history.
*Page Layout Requirements –Reviews must:
Be typed, double-spaced, and at least 5  pages
Include page numbers and a cover page (cover page is not considered part of the total page requirement)
Use Chicago Style citation format
*In grading these response papers, I will be looking for you to:
Clearly organize your thoughts
Display and understanding of the film’s plotline and major characters
Investigate the historical accuracy of the film
Provide an informed critique of the film’s historicity
*Questions to address:
What historical events are explored in the film?
Given what you have learned from your scholarly sources, how accurate do you feel the film was?
What changes, if any, would you make to the movie in efforts to produce a more historically accurate film?
What do you like and dislike about the movie?
What messages was the filmmaker trying to convey through the historical subject of the film?
The film I chose to review is the Malcom X movie directed by Spike Lee.


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