Historically there have been many protest that have occurred in our county pertaining to various reason and causes. Is protesting necessary? If so and if not, why?Explain


During this past week there was a protest that occurred at the United States Capital. This protest was devastating for many reasons.

1) Historically there have been many protest that have occurred in our county pertaining to various reason and causes. Is protesting necessary? If so and if not, why?

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2) In various media outlets depending on which you listen to, there have been many opinions voiced about the manner in which the protest happened and how it was handled. What are your thoughts? Do you feel the protest would have been handled any differently if the participants were people of colour?

3) As a social worker brought in to address the aftermath of this, what solutions would you offer?

The post Historically there have been many protest that have occurred in our county pertaining to various reason and causes. Is protesting necessary? If so and if not, why?Explain appeared first on Essay Quoll.