How can you describe the mental model of performance consulting?Explain


This assignment requires students to read and critically analyze material posted on Canvas.

The assignment has two parts:

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1. Students will need to answer questions and complete tasks posted by the instructor in this assignment.

2. Students will also need to engage in a thoughtful, active, and timely discussion with their peers (minimum 3 responses) demonstrating knowledge and understanding of the material and making a valuable contribution to the class.


1. How can you describe the mental model of performance consulting? What is the most important takeaway for us in HRD/OD from this mental model?

2. What is a need in the context of HRD? What other words have you noticed being used instead of the word need?

What types of needs does an organization have? What is your job as a performance consultant when it comes to organizational needs?

3. What is a cause in the context of HRD? How do you understand the meaning of a root cause? What can be the causes of human performance problems ?


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