How does the need to acknowledge risk management requirements pose contradictory responsibilities and raise complex ethical and moral dilemmas- for both the users of mental health services and mental health practitioners? Reference using APA6th. The reference list does not count towards word count. (400 words)

Culture and mental health. What are the risks of failing to consider cultural differences before making diagnostic decisions? Your discussion should include considerations regarding the mental health and wellbeing of Indigenous Australians, people from rural and remote cultures and the provision of care to people from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds. Reference using APA6th. The reference list does not count towards word count. 500 words

Question 7

How does the need to acknowledge risk management requirements pose contradictory responsibilities and raise complex ethical and moral dilemmas- for both the users of mental health services and mental health practitioners? Reference using APA6th. The reference list does not count towards word count. (400 words)

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Question 9

i)What are the differences between self-harm, suicide and suicidal ideation?
ii)Outline what is meant by the terms predisposing causes, precipitating influences and perpetuating factors of suicide?

iii) Name at least six risk factors for suicide? (200 words)

What factors does a mental health professional need to be mindful of that may increase immediate risk for a person assessed as having a long-term high risk of suicide? (100 words)

How would you clinically determine the importance of protective factors versus the intensity of perpetuating risk factors for people who are at long-term high risk of suicide? (100 words)