How It Works Boost Earnings


Determine how readily available and updated the census data for Your Country is. Use an Internet search engine such a Google to search for census data for Germany. Then respond to the following questions.(Your Country means Germany)

1. Is Your Country’s census data available on a website sponsored by the national government of Your Country (like the Census Bureau or and Institute of Statistics)?

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2. Can this information be found in English?

3. Is census data for Your Country available through websites hosted by international organizations (such as the International Monetary Fund, World Bank or United Nations)?

4. What is the most recent data you can find? How detailed of information can you find?

5. If census data is available from both the national government and an international organization, how well does the information match?

6. What difference would it make if the census numbers are very different?

The post How It Works Boost Earnings first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.