Identify the resources needed to implement your intervention and develop your action plan using the Stage 4 checklist in the Appendix of the textbook.

This written assignment requirement is for an examination of the topic below, submitted in APA format. It is expected that, based on the nature of this topic, that a concise yet thorough analysis will take between 5-7 pages of text, in addition to your cover page, abstract, and reference page. A total of 2 external scholarly sources, aside from your required readings, must be cited in support of your position.

Stage 4: Developing an Action Plan


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Identify the resources needed to implement your intervention and develop your action plan using the Stage 4 checklist in the Appendix of the textbook.

Be sure and examine all of the written assignments for the course so that you understand the organization of this project. Papers will be graded on how well they address all the elements provided in the Seven-Stage Checklist located in the Appendix of the textbook.

Textbook you will be using is Welsh, Wayne N. and Philip Harris. (2016). Criminal Justice Policy and Planning, 5th Ed. Newark, NJ: Lexis Nexis.

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