If the economy goes into a recession and incomes fall, what happens in the markets for inferior goods?

A.Which of the following shifts the supply curve for pizza to the right?


a. an increase in the price of pizza

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b. an increase in the price of root beer, a complement to pizza

c. a decrease in the price of cheese, an input to pizza

d. a kitchen fire that destroys a popular pizza joint

B. Movie tickets and film streaming services are substitutes. If the price of film streaming increases, what happens in the market for movie tickets?

a. The supply curve shifts to the left.

b. The supply curve shifts to the right.

c. The demand curve shifts to the left.

d. The demand curve shifts to the right.

C. T he discovery of a large new reserve of crude oil will shift the _________ curve for gasoline, leading to a _________ equilibrium price.

a. supply; higher

b. supply; lower

c. demand; higher

d. demand; lower

D. If the economy goes into a recession and incomes fall, what happens in the markets for inferior goods?

a. Prices and quantities both rise.

b. Prices and quantities both fall.

c. Prices rise and quantities fall.

d. Prices fall and quantities rise.

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