If the Santorini volcano erupted and created Ash plumes, what cities in the east would it affect?Discuss


• What are volcanic hazards associated with the mega eruption (Minoan eruption) and the submarine volcano (Kolumbo) compare them

• If another Plinian eruption like the Minoan eruption occurred again which areas in the north of Crete would the tsunami affect?

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• If the Santorini volcano erupted and created Ash plumes, what cities in the east would it affect?

• What is the stratigraphic sequence of the Minoan eruption?

• Examine data from past eruptions and determine which towns and villages within Santorini have been impacted by pyroclastic flows & volcanic bombs and determine which of these towns and villages would be affected if an eruption was to occur again

• Distinguish which elements were found in the ash deposits caused by the mega Minoan eruption?

• Use past tsunami data to determine which towns and villages would be at risk from a tsunami wave of 10m

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