I’m trying to learn for my Health & Medical class and I’m stuck. Can you help?I

I’m trying to learn for my Health & Medical class and I’m stuck. Can you help?I have a dissection bored that needs to be answers in one pagehere is the question Module Two DiscussionA baseline concept of the term, “business continuity” is important as we work together toward greater understanding of both the term and its practices. In your response to this Board, you are asked to take survey the text and selected other resources in an effort to gain some further understanding of the overall concept. Note that you will see some repetitive commentary as authors strive to develop the discipline over time. Do not create a BC definition at this point. In your response, list five key words that would help anyone to begin to understand the basic nature of Business Continuity. Then, use the related term in a single sentence of your own creation. The terms you choose do not need to be internally documented; although, if asked you could point someone to the detail that supports your choice. Below is an example:Term SentenceHot Site – “The IT Director found it necessary to ask the BC Officer to assist in managing the company’s recently acquired hot site situated on the other side of the city.” NOTE: Create your post early because duplicate terms cannot be used!and here are the terms that my classmates already used so you can look for different ones 1#Risk ManagementBusiness continuity helps in the establishment of processes involving risk management. This is the process of identifying, controlling, and assessing possible menaces to the yields and capital of an organization. Risk management involves several steps including risk identification, analyzing, evaluation, treating, monitoring, and review. Mission Critical ServicesA mission critical service is one which is very important and any organization cannot do without it. The failure of this type of a service would lead to failing in entire business organizations. Proper preparation ensures that these services are well protected to avoid calamities or disastrous outcomes in organizations.Business Continuity PlanA business continuity plan is an indenture that has an outlining of the way a business is going to fair on in the case of an occurrence of a service or disruption, which was not planned. It includes available plans and their holders, emergency response contacts, important personnel and the location of data and information.Disk MirroringDisk mirroring is a method of ensuring that critical or needed data or information does not lack at any given time. This method of data recovery ensures that data for companies or organizations is properly backed up in case of crisis or event. Term SentenceDisk Mirroring.The communications expert played a big role in educating the directors on the importance of disk mirroring after a recently done update in the company’s technological servicing.Global Technological Challenges and Strategies. In today’s world, countries and companies require explicit strategies for technological development, besides the fact that there is a tremendous increase in largely spontaneous creativity. Any country or company should take technological advancement as the unusual standard. This might have because of conscious consumerism as explained by (Aktasli, 2020).. This is often leading to a lot of creativity by different people in different companies. This kind of creativity is adamant in the global growth process of development. The most developed countries in the world have employed the use of technology in almost all of their activities and processes (Olsen, 2011).However, with the increase in technological activities and processes, several strategies have to be put in place to ensure the negative effects of technology are handled. Technology does not always turn in positive results but it may also have negative ones (Lynn, 2007)ReferencesAktasli, D. &. (2020). Conscious Consumerism Education. Reflections of an Action Research, 215-227. doi:10.33200/ijcer.666525Lynn, L. &. (2007). The Real Global Technology Challenge. Change, 39(4), 8. Retrieved from login.aspx?direct=true&AuthType=shib&db=edsjsr&AN=edsjsr.40178051&site=eds-live”>http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true…Olsen, S. (2011). National Academy of Engineering (U.S.). In Olsen, Global Technology : Changes and Implications: Summary of a Forum (p. NA). Washington, D.C: National Academies Press. Retrieved from login.aspx?direct=true&AuthType=shib&db=nlebk&AN=359509&site=eds-live”>http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true…2#Term: ProcessBusiness continuity is a process or life cycle. The life cycle is cyclical and shows basic steps to ensure there is always an improvement. Process planning includes understanding, introduction, design, delivery, and then testing. Individuals with varying levels of experience can utilize this process to achieve success with their results. The process repeats with every new idea and also allows for review to see what is working and what is not.Sentence: The emergency management director of the large health care organization collaborated with the compliance team to ensure there are no gaps in the BC process and improvement.Term: DisciplineBusiness continuity is considered a discipline meaning it consists of interconnected tasks and the people who do them. The teams of people that oversee BC utilize policies and processes to ensure the life cycle is continuous. The people involved also monitor what is going on within their organization and ensure there are no interruptions. These people can consist of various trades, professions, etc.Sentence: The business continuity field is very diverse and consists of many different disciplines in the BC process.Term: AnalysisA business continuity analysis is important because it gives an idea of the impact of a disruption in a specific process. This prediction can identify potential loss if there is a disruption. There are many different scenarios to consider but one should look at the impact of the disruption and the timing and duration of the disruption. Because there are many scenarios it would be wise to utilize a team approach that allows many diverse backgrounds to weigh in on the analysis.Sentence: The emergency preparedness sent out a questionnaire to the facilities department so that the results of that questionnaire can be used to build a BC analysis.Term: RecoveryBusiness recovery is the ability of an organization to effectively and efficiently respond to a disruption within their organization. This disruption can come from an external source or from within the organization itself. Recovery includes various strategies and processes that can help achieve the objective of bringing that organization back to normal.Sentence: At the onset of the communications system disruption the I.T. manager immediately began to plan for the recovery of the system so that the impact on the organization would be minimal.Term: TestingTesting and exercises should be included in the BC process. Testing will ensure that proposed plans or strategies work as intended. Testing allows for the identification of gaps and other shortfalls that can be effectively mitigated. Testing will show if various parts of the plan will work.Sentence: During the final stages of the BC process the emergency preparedness director tested the I.T. downtime plan by simulating a controlled downtime and allowing for the members within the organization to respond as part of the BC downtime plan.References:Business Impact Analysis. (2020, July 28). Retrieved January 18, 2021, from https://www.ready.gov/business-impact-analysisTesting & Exercises. (2015, December 11). Retrieved January 18, 2021, from https://www.ready.gov/business/testingWatters, J., & Watters, J. (2014). Disaster Recovery, Crisis Response, and Business Continuity A Management Desk Reference. Berkeley, CA: Apress.3#Term: Continuity A process that allows an organization to develop the resilience requisite to continue operations despite an adverse outcome or unexpected impact. Ideally, continuity allows uninterrupted flow of essential processes that maintain the business.Term: Crisis ManagementA flexible scalable response to any event that threatens the operability and credibility of the business. A method of identifying and coordinating the leadership team that will lead the response to the crisis.Term: CriticalityThe triaging of the essential/critical functions and operations of a business. This triage is done in order to prioritize resources for sustaining essential functions first.Term: CommunicationThe efficient clear process of creating a plan that is easily understood and carried out by the members of the business in order to achieve maximum resilience.Term: ContingencyCultivating a comprehensive collaborative understanding of possible events that could impact a business without focusing on unhelpful minutiae. Planning for general categories of impacts in order to think through the business’s response.Noll, G. (2014). Hazardous materials: managing the incident (4th ed.). Bartlett and Jones.Perry, R. (2007). Emergency planning. Wiley.atters, J (2014). Disaster recovery, crisis response, & business continuity. Apress.4#Business continuity is better understood through definitions of terms such as risk assessment, risk mitigation, business impact analysis, disaster recovery, and business continuity planning. Risk assessment is the process where hazards and the potential factors that may cause harm are identified, analyzed, and a judgment on their impacts is made. This process is important in business continuity as it enables the management to identify the areas where risks are beyond their tolerance and thus develop business continuity strategies to ensure no disruption in business operations after a disaster (Eales. 2016). On the other hand, risk mitigation refers to strategies adopted by the business to prepare and lessen the effects of threats and hazards facing the business. Business impact analysis defines the systematic process to determine the assets such as data that the business cannot operate without and the length of acceptable time the business can operate without it. This analysis enables the business to prepare for unexpected events and ensure business continuity.Disaster Recovery is a part of business continuity and involves a set of procedures and strategies to ensure the swift resumption of critical business operations after the occurrence of a disaster (Davis & Alexander, 2015). A disaster recovery plan contains a set of policies and procedures that the business will take to ensure the swift resumption of its operations after an unplanned incident. On the other hand, business continuity planningrefers to a combination of processes aimed at restoring normal business operations after the occurrence of an unexpected event or disaster.Term Sentence: Risk Assessment The company project manager performed a risk assessment when preparing a risk mitigation plan due to the expected economic crisis in the country.ReferencesDavis, I., & Alexander, D. (2015). Recovery from disaster. Routledge.Eales, N. (2016). Risk assessment. Missing persons: A handbook of research, 160.5#Term 1Activation is the process of applying the organization’s business continuity plans and actions when the emergency declaration sat off. This term includes implementing all the capabilities and resources that the organization for response and recovery plans. Activation is the implementation of business continuity capabilities, procedures, activities, and plans in response to an emergency or disaster declaration; the execution of the recovery plan (Quantivate Serv, 2017).Sentence:The emergency management officer suggests setting a randomized ( non-predicted time) emergency declaration to test the company’s activation process and point out the gaps that may present and remediate the issues. Term 2Business Interruption Insurance is a financial backup asset for any devastated organization from any disaster during the actual crisis: this insurance concealment the expenses and the financial impact during the response and recovery processes. Business interruption insurance generally provides reimbursement for necessary ongoing expenses during this shutdown, plus loss of net profits that would have been earned during the period of interruption, within the limits of the policy (BC institute, 2018).Sentence:The financial department manager, Mr. Aldossary, suggests imposing a Business Continuity Interruption insurance item to the company’s 2021 general budget year. That item helps the company eliminate the fiscal deficit during any crisis that may interrupt the business.Term 3Critical Data Point is the most crucial time frame to ensure that all the business’s necessary data are restored and backed up again. The CDP is the degree to which data must be restored in order to achieve recovery objectives (Assurance Software, 2018).SentenceDr. Alrashid mentioned a vital point to be discussed with the IT department about the Critical Data Point to the electronic health records and how the importance of timely information for better care during any crisis or emergency impacts our hospital.Term 4Damage Assessment is an initial action that helps any organization determine the level of destruction and then make an initial statement of losses and detriments. Damage assessment is an appraisal of the effects of the disaster or incident on human, physical, economic and operational capabilities (BC institute, 2018).Sentence:The hospital’s DAT (Damage Assessment Team) is responsible for evaluating the crisis impact and its severity on the property. Besides, the team has the full authority to determine what can be retrieved, replaced, and then contact the financial department for insurance claiming order. Term 5Enterprise Risk Management is a documented asset of any organization that exposes the most predicted crisis and its circumstances that obviously will make a massive conflict with the organization’s aims. ERM provides a framework for risk management, which typically involves identifying particular events or circumstances relevant to the organization’s objectives (risks and opportunities), assessing them in terms of likelihood and magnitude (BC Institute, 2018).Sentence:As a popular organic baby food company, our good reputation must be under the ERM umbrella framework that manages and identifies any risks that impact our clints’ confidence and sustain our lofty goal by keeping our reputation in place.ReferencesBusiness continuity glossary: 40+ important terms for your continuity & recovery planning. (2020, August 17). Retrieved from https://quantivate.com/blog/business-continuity-gl…Business Continuity Institute. (2018, March 9). Business Continuity Terms. Retrieved from https://www.thebci.orgSoftware, A. (2018, September 5). Your business continuity cheat sheet. Retrieved from https://www.assurancesoftware.com/product-blog/you… Requirements: 1 page

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